Core Fault

Mini sci-fi survivors-like

Core Fault

Core Fault is a mini survivors-like game for the Playdate handheld console about sending droids deep into an alien planet to mine for resources while surviving an onslaught of hostile subterranean creatures.

Core Fault is a collaboration between developer SquidGod, who handled programming, and Dave, who created the art, music and sound effects. They designed the gameplay together, and Squidgod documented the entire process on YouTube. The game was released first on, then as part of the first drop of games on Catalog.

Core Fault gives players remote control of a mining droid collecting materials, leveling up weapons, and descending further into an alien planet to fight bigger and tougher enemies until the droid is destroyed or its battery is depleted. Between runs, players use the resources they’ve gathered to level up and increase their chances of survival in the next round.

Dave designed the Core Fault logo, which conveys the concept of digging into a fissure in the ground through creative typography.

Core Fault EP cover art

3D Promotional Materials

For marketing, Dave modeled and rendered a 3D scene of the robot surrounded by alien slime creatures.

Core Fault 3D render


During the concept phase, Dave drew many sketches and wireframes that helped build the lore of the game’s world and inform the final product.

The Soundtrack

Dave composed and produced the music for Core Fault.


  • Game Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Art Direction
  • Art/Animation
  • Music/Sound Design
  • Additional programming